So I've finally done it and joined the blogging world I've been reading and following for years.The plan: to keep an online journal of sorts of my crafty dealings and journey into the world of handmade design, printmaking, sewing et al with my partner in crime Christian. And hopefully it'll provide some much needed motivation to get us going, and get our stuff out there.
So to begin... here are our latest exploits with a homemade printing frame fashioned from a pack of clamps and some old off-cuts of wood we had hanging around, made by my other half one lunch time! He's far more industrious than me. So far its working well, apart from perfecting the art of ink coverage and needing more space - it's all done on our dining room table at the mo.
We're printing a few of our first design, dog cushions, in red as a trial and as a special request, although I think we prefer the blue so far. I'm going to style up some photos of the blue one we've made to post tomorrow..