Monday 8 November 2010

Stockists part two...

Oh what a packed but lovely weekend! We've been working flat out recently on some freelance design work (very exciting but secret so far) but we squeezed in helping some friends move house, a birthday celebration and we finally got to see some of our things in a real, bricks and mortar, shop! Woo hoo.

We had headed for Frome to visit this retro and antiques market and thought we'd take the opportunity to pop over to the newly opened Holly Anna whilst we were there. And I have to say it's looking amazing. I love the grey, the signage, our wee owl flying in the window and Ru was a big fan of all the working vintage tin toys including a ride-on horse! They don't make them like they used to. Big congratulations to Holly and Matt.

Wednesday 27 October 2010


I am beginning to wonder when time will slow down? Seems to be flying by whether I like it or not at the moment. But I just spent a well deserved hour on the sofa in front of the tv catching up with Grand Designs and am now full of inspiration and admiration... did anyone see last week's? If not you should watch the catch up now here!

The Scandinavian mid-century inspired house was built by interior designer Kathryn Tyler, who had never even owned a house before and was only 30 when she built this earlier this year! She designed, project managed and basically did everything herself and did it all under budget and on time - I am in awe...

(And I've just found these images here too. Just beautiful.)






Meanwhile this was my view as I watched... (apologies for the quality which is the reason I never post photos of our house - it's a dark old wonky cottage and at this time of year is even darker!)

Friday 8 October 2010


We have stockists! Which is part of the reason we've been so slack with the blog of late - we've been busy busy busy fulfilling orders! And boy are we excited. Just the very word makes us feel all professional!

First up is the lovely Boo Vake in Perth, Scotland. We were so flattered to be included in this gorgeous little shop - just look at the company we share!

And second is the beautiful new website from Fen and Ned. Their photography and stock is just stunning. I've already added a few things to my own wee imaginary 'wishlist'.

And there are more to follow...

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Last days of Summer...

Oh dear. Another month, another post. At this rate we'll be lucky to reach 12 a year! Doh. Must try harder!

I've been meaning to post photos from our Summer holiday since July so thought now is as good a time as any (and what with the lovely new computer it no longer takes an entire evening to upload photos - hurrah). Well Summer is pretty much over and I for one am not sorry as I'm a total sucker for Autumn. My favourite season. But having said that I did enjoy going through these... farewell Summer.

Monday 6 September 2010

Time flying...

Lordy. Where, oh, where did August go? A whole month since our last post and we've nothing to show for it except hundreds of photos languishing on our computer (albeit a brand spanking new shiny iMac - how excited was I that day!) and a heap of wholesale orders we've been busting a gut to get finished.

Yes. We've decided to take the leap and start selling wholesale to a handful of shops, at first. So far so good. Everyone is so lovely and our first boxes were delivered in person to a lovely soon-to-open shop in Frome on Sunday. It'll be so bizarre to see our handmade, homemade items in an actual shop. So here are a few sneaky peeks of some purses in progress...

We did manage to sneak in the odd day trip/excursion this past month too...

These were taken at Shear Water, a man made lake on the Longleat estate only a few miles from us. I love it here, as do the boys.

Friday 6 August 2010

If you go down to the woods today...

We've had a few lovely people blog about us out there so thought we'd share some of our current etsy favourites too...

We seem to have unintentionally picked a bit of a woodland themed collection! We had to stop ourselves from selecting even more woodland critters as we could have gone on all night! Although the beautiful letterpress house is possibly more suburban than log cabin.

We want to live in a house like this... Letterpress House Kit from 1canoe2

We found this lovely print through a heart on our shop...
Sweet Dreams Owl Print from Lisa Stubbs

We have been coveting this gorgeous fellow for ages ... Monty The Fox from Sara Carr

We just spotted this beautiful critter... Hedgehog Pin from Decoy Lab

Neither of us can remember how we stumbled across this foxy pair but they're great...
Fox Screen Print from EaK Design Ltd

Sunday 1 August 2010

We heart East London...

Well we've had a bit of a calamitous time here lately as my Dad injured himself by falling off a garage roof! Oops. But on the bright side he's been pinned back together and is now recovering back at home and me, C and Ru have just been on a weeks holiday! Yay. More about that soon. But all this left little time for blog writing. Darn. So I thought I'd catch up on a few posts and photos I've been keeping up my sleeve for a few weeks...

We recently visited my lovely friend Dana of Beards and Buttons back in lovely London town and spent a day in and around the east. I love it. I'd forgotten how vibrant and inspiring it is. We had a great day just wandering, perusing shops and markets, stumbling across random live music and even one mini festival in a recently renovated old bandstand in the middle of a sort of roundabout-come-square! First though was Coloumbia Road flower market...

Then a short walk to Spitalfields market - one of my favourite places when I lived up in London town. It's been a tad over renovated in the last few years but I still love the building and they've kept the feel of the old shop fronts and signage. Me and C were lusting after these gorgeous bikes from the pop-up shop by Tokyo Bikes for ages afterwards!

On route we passed the beautiful new East London tube line - I'm a sucker for oversized concrete architecture!

Then we spotted this gem of a piece of graffiti nestled under a tree on a meandering route back to the flat. Ru was especially impressed - he's a fan of squirrels. Quite right.

It was at the end of this street that we spotted and heard the mini festival celebrating the 100th anniversary of the bandstand in the middle of Arnold Circus. There was a fantastic brass band playing covers of pop songs and people picnicing at little checked tableclothed benches dotted around the place, some beautiful stalls and a guy taking portraits with some great cardboard props! We were tempted but the queue was enormous. Such a lovely and unlikely event to just stumble upon one sunny Sunday afternoon.

Then back home via the now empty Columbia Road and through London Fields... ahh I miss London. Must go back more often.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Mid Century Modern heads west!

Thanks to the lovely Colin of Homescape who we had a nice chat with on Sunday whilst both running our stalls at the St Catherine's market, we heard about the fabulous Mid Century Modern Show coming to our wee neck of the woods later this year. Yay! And boy are we excited. Better start saving those pennies now!

Oh and this is a gem (his words not mine!!) C took just before we packed up the car and headed home from the market. I don't know the history behind this fantastic post box and lamp post but it was a photo opportunity I couldn't resist!