We had a great time at Renegade a couple of weeks ago so we thought we'd better get around to posting a photo of our stall. We were both really excited but a little nervous about the whole thing it being our first market in London and all. Despite all this set up went fairly smoothly and our new designed-and-built-the-day-before shelves (thanks Dad!) went up without a hitch. That was until we realised we had left all the float money at our friend's house so I left to pick it up and somehow went all the way there and back and still managed to forget to bring it back with me! I blame the lack of sleep during the week before the market.
Once we were up and running we had a chance to have a little look around and met some really lovely folks, sadly we were a bit slack on the photography front but some of our favourites were Kate Sutton, Zosienka & Rosie and Hazel Stark to name but a few. We also loved having a few familiar bloggers stop by for a chat - the lovely Kerry from Seventy Tree and Virginia from Roddy and Ginger. It was great to meet you.

C was most unimpressed with my photography efforts and his dodgy expressions so has asked me to add an apology on his behalf!