Well hello December!
Last weekend's Got Craft? was great and we met some lovely lovely people as always - possibly my favourite bit of doing markets. We loved Charlotte Farmer's and Justine Ellis' gorgeous items. The venue was stunning but the nearness of the bar was far too tempting as we spent far too much on their delicious hot chocolate, coffee and beer for C! Although we did win the Christmas Cake raffle!! I never win anything so was amazed and as we're hosting this year we couldn't be happier - thanks buttercupcakes. We were hopeless as ever at taking photos - it seemed to get dark before we knew it and then nothing came out. Bah. But I've spotted quite a few posts where you can get a feel for the market and the beautiful interior (it was in a converted tram shed) here and here if you fancy a gander. Big thanks Andrea and Robert for all your hardwork.
This weekend we're off to another festive market although this time in our neck of the woods and outside so we currently have all our fingers and toes crossed for dry weather. It's choc-a-block this year and as they've also added a flea market to run alongside it I think you can't fail to find a present or two. So if you're out west...