Lordy. Where, oh, where did August go? A whole month since our last post and we've nothing to show for it except hundreds of photos languishing on our computer (albeit a brand spanking new shiny iMac - how excited was I that day!) and a heap of wholesale orders we've been busting a gut to get finished.
Yes. We've decided to take the leap and start selling wholesale to a handful of shops, at first. So far so good. Everyone is so lovely and our first boxes were delivered in person to a lovely soon-to-open shop in Frome on Sunday. It'll be so bizarre to see our handmade, homemade items in an actual shop. So here are a few sneaky peeks of some purses in progress...
We did manage to sneak in the odd day trip/excursion this past month too...
These were taken at Shear Water, a man made lake on the Longleat estate only a few miles from us. I love it here, as do the boys.