Monday 16 May 2011

Something new...

We've got some new things on the way and thought we'd post a sneaky peek here. It's still in the tweaking stages as C can be a tad finickity and I'm a bit of a perfectionist - not a good combo - and we're completely lost trying to work out colourways we agree on! We decided to make some things up to give us an idea how they'd look and thought we'd rope in our little live-in model to assist.

We're also busy bees working on a gig poster for a friend so prints on paper maybe heading to our shop sometime in the future if all goes well. Fingers crossed - it's all about the off-contact apparently!


  1. Aww, he makes a great model! Maybe you should make smaller-sized bags as well?

    Love the peacock too, purty!

  2. Fabulous. I like very much. And what a good model he makes too.

  3. lovely peacock! and nothing beats home grown talent!

  4. Thanks for all the lovely comments. Just need to get on with the tweaks now!

  5. Are these peacock delights coming into your Etsy shop soon, please?

  6. I found you through Selvedge, and I LOVE the fox print! it gets me every time I look at it! :)
    Can I ask where you got that red coat hook/shelf? It is also lovely!

  7. So sorry for the slow response Julia - thanks so much for your lovely comments! The coat rack was a bargain from Ikea no less but a few years ago now.
